Carpet Steam Cleaning Pricing

Pure Steam Price Menu
3 Rooms $994 Rooms $119
5 Rooms $139
6 Rooms $159
7 Rooms $179
Stairs are priced out as equal to 1 room.
Closets and adjoining hallways are included free of charge.
*All Prices Plus Sales Tax
Room charges are based on the average size of 250 sq. ft. Rooms more than 250 sq. ft. will be charged a nominal extra charge. We ask that all breakables and items you want cleaned under be moved out of the area of cleaning before our arrival. If assistance is needed in moving items, please let us know.
Stain guarding fabrics and carpeting is recommended by their manufacturer as well as by us. Please ask if interested.
Unusual spots or stains might require additional chemicals or steps. These include stains such as blood, color stains, urine, feces, gum and smoke damage.